• 48% of the people involved have managed to lower their blood glucose levels to the point of stopping their medication.
  • The social centre of El Cortijo, in Oviedo/Uviéu, will host a workshop from tomorrow on skills to act differently on this disease, based on nutrition, physical activity, relaxation and sleep.

The Regional Ministry of Health has launched the second phase of the European C4D Cuido mi diabetes project, which aims to encourage people with type 2 diabetes to improve their self-care, adopt a healthy lifestyle, improve their blood glucose levels, and reduce their medication use. Two groups of twenty people each have joined this new phase, one in Oviedo and the other in Coaña, which began their meetings last week.

The group in Oviedo will hold a series of social events tomorrow and the day after at the El Cortijo social center in La Corredoria (Oviedo/Uviéu). The General Director of Social and Health Care and Coordination, Rocío Allande, will be in charge of welcoming them.

In general terms, the aim of this project, which Asturias is leading at the European level, is to raise awareness of the need to lead a healthy lifestyle, understand how type 2 diabetes and insulin resistance work, and know the recommendations for safely reducing medication. For these reasons, nutrition, physical activity, relaxation, and sleep are among the issues receiving the most attention.

The project has been running in Asturias since February 2023, and the first results are very satisfactory. The latest data update shows that 48% of patients have managed to reduce their blood glucose levels to the point where they no longer need medication. Additionally, nearly 31% were able to reduce their drug treatment by following the lifestyle change recommendations. Furthermore, eight out of ten participants lost weight, with an average loss of 6 kilos, and reduced their abdominal circumference by an average of 8.3 centimeters.

These two groups will soon be joined by another two, with 15 participants each, who will hold their first telematic meeting on November 5 and 6. Those interested in participating can get information by emailing dgcuidados@asturias.org, where they can leave their personal details and contact number.

C4D-Cuido mi diabetes is aimed at people who have been diagnosed with type 2 diabetes for up to 15 years and are aged between 20 and 80. Participants must have a body mass index (BMI) of less than 40, be on anti-diabetic medication for more than 3 months, have no severe comorbidities, be able to operate glucose meters, have basic digital skills, and be motivated to change. They must also commit to collaborating in the program for one year.

The General Directorate for Social and Health Care and Coordination and the Health Service (Sespa) have the support of the Foundation for the Promotion of Applied Scientific Research and Technology in Asturias (FICYT) for the development of this project.

Link to the news in Spanish