First results of the project for the pilot in Asturias: ​after intervention, 47% of the participants reduced medication and 31% stopped it during the first week!

The Regional Ministry of Health of the Principality of Asturias has launched the activities of the European Care4Diabetes programme to improve the self-care of people with type 2 diabetes. Twenty people with this disease, who are part of the first group of the project, attended a two-day training session in Coaña on nutrition, physical activity, rest and relaxation to improve their lifestyle.

Rocío Allande, General Director of Social and Health Care and Coordination, attended the day to highlight the benefits of taking part in the programme, which will run throughout the year in five sessions led by a multi-professional team. At the same time, participants will have access to a digital platform that will allow them to review what they have learnt during the sessions, carry out practical activities, share experiences, resolve doubts and monitor the evolution of the patients.

The Regional Ministry is leading this project, which aims to change lifestyles. To this end, the original Dutch programme, which has achieved very good results, has been adapted to the local context and health resources of Asturias. Proven benefits include an overall improvement in quality of life, a reduction in sleep problems, less fatigue and an average weight loss of seven kilos. In addition, 30% of patients are off their medication 12 months after the start of the project.

The Council of Coaña hosted the first meeting of the project in Asturias. Over two days, participants gained knowledge to understand the physiology of type 2 diabetes and glucose levels. They also learned about the concepts of diet, exercise and relaxation and how these affect their disease. They also took part in practical sessions on cooking, exercise and stress management techniques.

They were supervised and advised by a group of health professionals who took on the roles of doctors, nurses, dietitians and coaches.

New patient groups

Throughout the year, The Regional Ministry of Health of the Principality of Asturias will be adding new patient groups for people with this condition. Those who wish to participate must meet the following requirements: be between 20 and 80 years old, have been diagnosed with type 2 diabetes for less than 10 years, have a body mass index (BMI) of less than 40, have been on antidiabetic medication for more than 3-6 months, have no severe comorbidities, be able to use a glucose meter, have basic digital skills and be motivated to change. They must also commit to participating in the initiative for one year.

The General Directorate of Social and Health Care, Coordination and Health Services (Sespa) has been supported by the Foundation for the Promotion of Applied Scientific Research and Technology in Asturias (FICYT) and the Institute of Health Research of the Principality of Asturias (ISPA) in the development of this programme.

More information can also be obtained by email:

Those wishing to register for the programme, for which there are still places available, should send their contact details to